
Sunday, 7 October 2012

This Has To Be the Best Way to use Affirmations

You have probably heard of affirmations. They are your desires made into statements that you read or say to yourself. It is kind of like casting a spell on your self. To go a step further; is a technique called "Affirmation Imprinting." The idea of Affirmation Imprinting is to repeat a statement over and over again, day after day, until it makes an "imprint" on your subconscious. Once this occurs, your subconscious mind will sense a difference between what it sees as being "real" and your outer physical world. This difference will cause your subconscious mind will provide you with ideas, motivation and behaviors so that your outer world will begin to match up with your inner world. It will be magical the way doors and opportunities open up for you everywhere in order to make that affirmation a reality.In order for the affirmation imprinting to occur most effectively, the affirmation statements need to be created a certain way, and completed in a certain order.First they must be personal, used in the first person. You are going to use the words "I" and "My" in each case; do not use the second or third person. In other words do not use the word "you" or your name.Second they must be positive, with a clear definition. You would state your affirmation like this: "I eat healthy meals each day." A negative, and thus ineffective affirmation, would be "I don't eat junk food." Third you must use visualization words; you must understand that although the subconscious is a powerful tool, it is still rather simple: It sees what you are saying as images rather than words, and so it can't comprehend words like "don't" and "can't." When you say, "I don't eat junk food," your subconscious mind brings up an image of you and junk food, and you actually begin to reinforce the behavior that you are trying to change.Fourth the affirmation must be in the present tense. You would think it makes sense to use the future tense, as in "I will be successful", this isn't the case. When you put your statement out into some distant future, nothing is created within the subconscious mind, and therefore no imprinting or changes will occur.You see, when you say that you will be successful someday, you are also implying that you are not successful now. That matches exactly with what your subconscious knows to be true, and therefore no change. Just by changing that same affirmation to present tense, "I am successful in my business," you create what is needed for your subconscious goes to work. These guidelines are crucial to Affirmation Imprinting.So how exactly do you use an affirmation successfully? Simply follow these directions:Choose what that you would like to change. Since you are just starting out; choose a single subject; trying to change too many things at once will greatly reduce the probability of anything happening. Once you start to see the effects of your affirmation becoming your reality, only then would you start with a new affirmation.Get some index cards and using the guidelines to properly write out your affirmation in big, bold lettering. Make sure you can read your own writing. If the subject is too great for an index card rewrite, and rewrite until your affirmation is one sentence.Place these cards around your environment so that you see them constantly. Place one by your bed, one on your refrigerator, one on your bathroom mirror, one by your computer monitor, one in the back pocket of my pants, and so on; in places where you will see them often.As soon as you wake up in the morning and right before you fall asleep at night, say the affirmation out loud. When you repeat these statements, speak with enthusiasm, and smile knowing that with each affirmation read, you are deepening the imprint on your subconscious mind.Each time you see any of the other index cards that you wrote the affirmation on, say the statement out loud, again with enthusiasm and the knowledge that soon you will see the desired changes.When you start to see the changes in your life "magically" happen; you can move on to a new affirmation to work on.So go on and do it, do it now. The only thing stopping you; is you.Be Blessed

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