
Sunday, 7 October 2012

Alleviate Anxiety; Use One Word Affirmations

A "Word" of ExplanationThe concept of one word affirmations is not as widely known. Essentially, these are power words that you can repeat with emotional intensity and certainty to guide your thoughts in the direction that you want to go. Some of the advantages of one word affirmations include the following:They are simple to remember.They are not statements of belief, so they by-pass your reasoning mind. In other words, if you say the one word affirmation "Wealth," it is a simple concept that requires no evaluation by your conscious mind. If you say, "I am now wealthy." In the beginning, your conscious mind may get in the way and persuade you that this is not "true." Focusing on the concept of wealth itself repeatedly, allows your mind to visualize wealth and get used to the concept. As you contemplate wealth, and see more wealth in your life, you can then move on to more advanced affirmations. These words can be used to alleviate anxiety as well.They are not time consuming. Some times people avoid using the affirmations everyday because they get too busy. They think that they do not have the time to use their affirmations. Using one word affirmations helps to by-pass this objection to using affirmations daily.You can use them several times a day while you are doing other activities. For example, while you are driving, while you are getting ready in the morning, as you drift off to sleep (this is very effective), etc. As you use these one word affirmations, you will even find that they pop up in your mind during unexpected situations to keep you on track. For example, let's say someone at work unexpectedly presents you with a rush request. Perhaps in the past, this threw you into a state of unhealthy stress. This is a great time to use the one word affirmation "peace" or "relax." I have personally found this to be extremely effective.Often these one word affirmations are the primary words used in regular affirmations. They can help you remember the other affirmations you are using and even help you create new affirmations that are extremely effective.So, here is a wide variety of one word affirmations that will help you in all areas of your life, especially when used to alleviate anxiety: Abundance, Acceptance, Accumulate, Advance, Answer,Authority, Beauty, Belief, Benefit, Blessings, Bountiful, Calm, Cancel,Cause, Certainty, Circulate, Compassion, Complete, Confidence,Connected,Consistent, Courage, Create, Decision, Delighted,Desire, Destiny, Dream, Electric, Energy, Enthusiasm, Eternal, Energy,Excellence, Excess, Faith, Family, Expect, Effect, Genius, Gift, Give, Great, Grow, Guidance, Habit, Happy, Harmony, Harvest, Healing, Health, Idea, Imagine, Increase, Infinite, Intelligent, Intuition,Invisible,  Joy,  Knowledge,  Lavish, Lead, Life, Listen, Loving, Loyal, Luxury, Massive, Meditate, Mercy, Now, Open, Outstanding, Peaceful, Perfect, Pleasure, Possible, Power, Praise, Promotion, Purpose, Quality, Quickly, Quiet,  Release, Remember,Relaxed,Remember, Renewed, Repetition, Respect, Responsible, Result, Reason, Receive,Recreation, Rejoice, Sales,Seed, Silence, Solved, Spontaneous, Strength, Subconscious, Success, Surplus,  Thankful, Think, Thoughtful, Together, Touch, Transform, Trustworthy,Truth, Wealth, Wisdom, WonderfulCreating a Powerful Self-Image I am now filled with faith, certainty, and confidence. I now feel these emotions in my body. I am now confident and assertive. I now walk and move with assurance, poise, and personal power. I am now a powerful and charismatic personality. I am growing more and more attractive everyday. My confidence and competence are exploding massively everyday. I am now friendly, outgoing, and confident. I am now bold and courageous. I now seize my opportunities immediately. I now have the ability to change anything in my life that I choose to change. I take complete responsibility for my life. When I speak to others, I look them straight in the eye and speak with confidence knowing that I am equal to every person I meet regardless of their social status or accomplishments. I can now create a state of total certainty and confidence at a moment's notice anytime I need it. I now move my body with poise and confidence. Every time I close my eyes and breathe deeply, my confidence expands and fills my whole being. I now see myself as exactly the person I want to be: confident, self-assured, healthy, and prosperous. I now hold myself and other people in high esteem. Everyday in every way I am growing more and more confident. My confident energy, enthusiasm, and passion are increasing massively everyday. Because I am committed to constant and never-ending improvement, my performance is improving everyday. What I imagine I can do, I can do. I am now fearless, courageous and bold. I receive wisdom and knowledge from my subconscious mind every moment of my life. I apply my faith with consistent acts of courage. The expression on my faith now communicates certainty and confidence.I am now a highly charismatic and powerful person. I now inspire and expand my imagination with enthusiasm. I now relive the most joyous moments of my life. And these moments inspire me to greater confidence and a greater feeling of self-worth. I act as if I already have all the confidence I need and desire. I speak to myself and others with confidence, certainty, and conviction. My subconscious mind now communicates confidence, certainty, and power to the subconscious minds of others. My thoughts, presence, charm, and charisma now inspire others to greater self-confidence and personal power. I now radiate confidence and certainty in the presence of other people. When I speak, the tone of my voice communicates strength, courage, and confidence. I am now confident, assertive, and decisive in every situation. I now create outstanding confidence by repeatedly rehearsing in my mind and imagining the results I want in advance. I am now an outstanding leader who leads with confidence. I increase my self-confidence by increasing my skills and abilities everyday. As I rehearse the results I want in my thoughts before they happen, my skill and confidence expand massively. Other people find me to be a fascinating and interesting person. You can see by the variety in all the phrases listed above that you can use these ready made affirmations or you can adapt them to suit your own issues such as to alleviate anxiety.Visit: http://www.anxietyended.com/overcome Find more ways to alleviate anxiety.

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